The Slav Epic by Alfons Mucha in Prague

Laboratory Blog 2016-03-31

Slav Epic

The Slav Epic (Slovanská epopej) is a cycle of twenty monumental canvases painted by famous Czech art nouveau painter Alfons Mucha between the years 1912 – 1926. The series of twenty paintings is dedicated to the history of the Slav people. The monumentality of this piece of art is breathtaking – the largest painting measures over 6 by 8 metres.

The Slav Epic

Alfons Mucha created The Slav Epic as a monument for all Slavs and wanted to capture the historical moments of Czech people and other Slavonic nations. Alfons Mucha travelled around the Balkans and studied Slavonic history and customs. This experience triggered the idea and Mucha devoted the latter half of his artistic career to this piece or art. You can read more about this great artist in our article A Fame Of Alfons Mucha.

Slovanska epopej.

Slovanska epopej

The exhibition is held in the main building of National gallery – in Trade Fair Palace (Veletržní palác) and the curators designed it in a way that the canvases follow a historical order. You can visit the exhibition daily except Monday between 10:00 – 18:00. If you like art nouveau or art in general, do not hesitate to visit the exhibition as it moves to China and Japan next year (2017)! It takes about 1,5 hour to explore the exhibition thoroughly as every painting has got a story to it. Take a tram n. 12, 17 or 24 to get to tram stop Veletržní palác. You can also have a look on other interesting expositions which National gallery holds in Veletržní palác and other buildings in Prague.

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