Report – Paper Remains Preferred Technology for Productive Learning

beSpacific 2017-09-21

Paper and Packaging Board: “…Paper plays an important role in productive learning, which happens to be the theme of our annual Paper and Productive Learning: The Third Annual Back-to-School Report. By productive learning, we mean the ability to take in and understand new information. The human brain’s preference for the spatial and tactile makes paper a more efficient means for learning new things than electronic channels that separate the brain from the physical world. Among the research we’ve gathered are the results of a Nielsen survey that shows 96% of Millennial parents – the most wired generation of adults – say paper is essential to their kids’ learning and that their children do well on homework when they write it on paper. Students agree with their parents when it comes to writing by hand. According to our own survey conducted in April, about 70% of high schoolers prepare for tests by taking handwritten notes and there is solid consensus among 7th graders (the youngest group surveyed) and college students that they learn information best if they write it down…”