Enabling Blockchain Innovation in the U.S. Federal Government

beSpacific 2017-10-23

GCN.com – “As more government agencies investigate the potential for blockchain technology, ACT-IAC has put together a primer, Enabling Blockchain Innovation in the U.S. Federal Government. Including thought leaders from government and industry, ACT-IAC’s Blockchain Working Group was created in May at the request of the General Services Administration. Jose Arrieta, director of the Office of IT Schedule Contract Operations at GSA, and Todd Hager, vice president of strategy innovation and equality at Macro Solutions, discussed GSA’s blockchain progress at a recent ACT-IAC forum on the technology. “With Jose Arrieta’s challenge put before us to craft a government blockchain playbook, our group set out to create a blockchain primer, the first step in helping agencies to build the foundational understanding,” Hager told GCN via email. “Now that the primer is published, we have begun work on the blockchain playbook, which will help agencies to explore blockchain-appropriate use cases and provide guidance on building an agency-specific implementation strategy… However, the primer does acknowledge the confusion around how blockchain technology works and what is needed for it to succeed in the government space…”