C-Suite Is Embracing Agile

beSpacific 2020-05-04

Forbes: “…What An Agile C-Suite Does – “Institutional agility means more than having Agile teams. Agility begins at the top, is inspired by the top, and is embodied in how the top conducts itself. The starting point of agility is the passionate, and even obsessional, pursuit of a crystal-clear mission of the organization. In the case of the private sector, this is value for customers—the Law of the Customer. In order for this obsession to be shared throughout the organization, the C-suite must embrace and communicate it passionately and with all their heart. The commitment to the customer is not just words: it is about providing a clear line of sight to the ultimate customers to those doing the work so that they can take steps and make decisions that will contribute to the goal. Customer focus is not a one-time initiative: it must become a way of life. The Agile organization sets aside any assumption that the way things have been are the way things are going to be. There is no split between exploitation and exploration: everything the organization does is a potential source of improvement. This means unleashing the creativity of the staff by breaking the work into small pieces that can be handled by small self-organizing teams, working in short cycles with direct feedback from customers—the Law of the Small Team…”