Search for copies of your page on the web

beSpacific 2021-03-01

Copyscape – “Is your content original? Articles that you purchase may have been copied or stolen from other sites. Publishing them on your site can damage your reputation and ruin your search engine rankings. Protect yourself by verifying all new content with Copyscape Premium, the web’s leading solution for originality checking. Who’s stealing your content? With the click of a button, anyone in the world can copy your content and republish it on their site, stealing your visitors and your revenue. Copysentry scans the web daily for copies of your content, emailing you whenever new copies are found. Protection You Can Trust = Copyscape provides the world’s most powerful and most popular online plagiarism detection solutions, ranked #1 by independent tests. Copyscape is trusted by millions of website owners to check the originality of their new content, prevent duplicate content, and search for copies of existing content online…”