The Million Gardens Movement

beSpacific 2021-03-21

The Million Gardens Movement is a community of gardeners who want to inspire a happier, healthier world by educating people about a better diet, through funding and educating millions of new gardeners to grow their own food. In the wake of the Covid Pandemic, Frank Giustra’s Modern Farmer and Kimbal Musk’s Big Green joined forces to present The Million Gardens Movement — a joint charitable project that’s dedicated to mobilizing a million people to grow their own food and reap the benefits of gardening. Whether it’s in a community garden, on a fire escape, or along with a window box, it’s small collective acts like these that will sow the biggest seeds of change. The Million Gardens Movement will make it possible for any family, no matter where they live or what resources they have, to grow their own healthy food. We’ll provide the families that need it most with a beginner-friendly garden kit, creating healthy eating habit in the home and increasing families’ ability to choose, grow, prepare, and eat healthy food…”