Well that didn't take long. Useless Varoufakis pretty much kicked out. Tsipras should resign now, too. Party of NO BALLS!
Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-01
Looks like Yanis Varoufakis just got demoted, which basically means, like, he's kicked out. He comes back from Riga with his tail between his legs.
An anti-austerity economist who has angered peers with his brash style, Varoufakis is facing calls to quit after returning from a meeting of euro zone finance ministers in Riga isolated and empty-handed while Athens scrambles to avoid bankruptcy. Read more.But what was he supposed to come back with? All he had from Day 1 were empty threats. I hope this guy doesn't play poker; he'd be lucky to leave with his underwear still on. Now Tsipras should resign, too, because he's gonna promote the same class of useless wimp to that position and expect results that are going to be unattainable. The Germans must be beside themselves with laughter. Varoufakis lost, Tsipras lost, Syriza lost, the Greek people lost, Europe lost...they all lost the day Tsipras got elected and said "Greece will not leave the euro." Bingo. You. Are. Done. I called it here from Day 1. What a bunch of pansies. Another Liberal Class of ball-less, gutless, pansies selling out again. I may go back to voting. You know, I gave that up after Obama. No reason to vote. However, now I am thinking of going back and I am going to vote Conservative across the board. I am going to vote for the rightest of right wingers that I can possibly vote for. At least that way I can see the person's eyes who's about to take everything from me. It's a lot better than being stabbed in the back. And now that I've said that... Get ready for Hillary.