Ambrose Evans-Pritchard — Germany faces impossible choice as Greek austerity revolt spreads

Mike Norman Economics 2015-07-01

EU elites who forced a currency experiment on countries not ready for it have only themselves to blame
Eurocrats, when you lose AE-P you have a problem. But he is just telling it like it is. The eurocrats are in denial and their project is collapsing. Unlike the US and UK, they don't have a domestic security force to enforce it.
The kicker.
Mr Varoufakis is trying to limit the damage, praising Mrs Merkel as the "most astute politician" in Europe, and Mr Schauble as the "only European politician with intellectual substance" - a wounding formulation for the others. He has called on Germany to cast off self-doubt and assume its roll as Europe's benevolent hegemon, almost as if he were evoking the glory days of the Holy Roman Empire when pious German emperors stood as guarantors for Christendom. 
This is the only pitch that will work. Angela Merkel has risen above her narrow East German outlook and her fiscal platitudes of the early crisis to emerge as the soul-searching Godmother of Europe and the last credible defender of its unity. But even Mrs Merkel can be pushed too far.
Yanis really thinks that?
The Telegraph Germany faces impossible choice as Greek austerity revolt spreads Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | International Business Editor of The Daily Telegraph