The Serbs and the Hapsburgs
Eastern approaches 2014-06-27
On July 4th 1914 The Economist published this article in response to the assassination on June 28th of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
On Tuesday afternoon the Prime Minister moved: "That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty to express the indignation and deep concern with which this House has learned of the assassination of his Imperial and Royal Highness the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and of his Consort, and to pray his Majesty that he will he graciously pleased to express to his Imperial and Royal Majesty the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary on the part of this House, his faithful Commons, their abhorrence of the crime and their profound sympathy with the Imperial and Royal Family and with the Governments and peoples of the Dual Monarchy." To the tribute of indignation and sympathy expressed in eloquent terms by Mr Asquith and Mr Bonar Law there was universal assent in the House of Commons. It is a dastard act, and any society which applauds it deserves to...Continue reading