CfP: Men and Women Religious and the Second Vatican Council (Nov. 12-14, 2014)

Ordensgeschichte 2013-12-20


This is a Call for Papers for an international colloquium on MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS AND THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL The colloquium is a joint initiative of LARHRA (Université de Lyon), CERCOR (LEM-UMR 8584 CNRS), KADOC (KU Leuven), Centro Studi e Ricerche sul Concilio Vati­can II (Center for Studies and Research “Second Vatican Coun­cil,” Pontifical Lateran University), with the support of the École française de Rome, the Academia Belgica in Rome, and the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome. It is scheduled to take place […]


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call for papers artikel 20. jahrhundert ii. vatikanisches konzil


Maria Rottler

Date tagged:

12/20/2013, 07:33

Date published:

11/20/2013, 15:10