erikkwakkel: The great Twitter-Tumblr interview: what do you...
Ordensgeschichte 2013-10-30

The great Twitter-Tumblr interview: what do you want to know?
This image captures my social media activities like no other: old books and animal paws (though not from a cat, nor inky). Since I started “doing” Twitter and Tumblr my accounts have grown very fast, very quickly. Recently I broke through the 13,000-followers barrier on Tumblr (thank you all for following!) and I anticipate having 5000 followers on Twitter within two weeks.
To celebrate these two humbling milestones I am organizing an interview that involves both media - a variant of the Twinterview. From the moment I hit 5k you can send me questions via Twitter (@erik_kwakkel). I will subsequently answer on Tumblr. But hold on, there is a twist - much like my approach to old books. When you ask your query, pretend you are addressing a medieval manuscript. I will subsequently answer from his/her perspective. “How old do you feel?” “Where are you from?” “What is that hole in the page for?” Anything goes. And include images if you like.
Geeky, you say? Yes, absolutely, but let’s do it anyway! So brush up on your knowledge of old books and come up with a hard, smart, witty or silly question (in 140 characters). I will pick ten interesting ones from the lot and provide answers on Tumblr - smeared out over a two weeks or so. Here’s to reaching 5k - almost!
Pic (my own): a dog walked over these 16th-century tiles at the Librije chained library in Zutphen, leaving his paws for posterity.
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