Eleanor Giraud: manuscript makers and music notators (via...

Archivalia_EN 2013-12-20


Eleanor Giraud: manuscript makers and music notators

(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?u=/watch?v=b7yBMFQ3MAA&feature=share&a=rS3SsF3m5b2hMEXTyZgKNA

Season 2 Episode 5 of Cambridge PhDcasts with PhDcaster Eleanor Giraud. Eleanor Giraud is a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of Music. Her research examines how certain Dominican books were made and notated in Paris in the mid-thirteenth century. For further information and related links please seehttp://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/gallery/v… The Cambridge PhDcasts are presented by John Gallagher and produced by Richard Blakemore and Ruth Rushworth with thanks to CRASSH.



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Date tagged:

12/20/2013, 07:33

Date published:

11/24/2013, 11:57