"The Dominican Convent of St. Raymond of Peñafort (Conventus S. Raymundi de Peñafort ordinis..."

Archivalia_EN 2014-03-24


“The Dominican Convent of St. Raymond of Peñafort (Conventus S. Raymundi de Peñafort ordinis Praedicatorum) near Vilafranca del Penedés (in the Diocese of Barcelona), Spain was founded in 1602, approved by Pope Clement VIII in 1603 and officially recognized by the General Chapter of the Dominican Order in 1605. The General Chapter of 1608 raised its status to “priory” (Cf. Bullarium Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum 5:608; Monumenta historica sancti patris nostri Dominici 9:70,110; Analecta sacra Tarraconensia 39:229). The Convent was suppressed in 1835 (Analecta sacra Tarraconensia 32:247-49). A portion of the library of the Convent was acquired by the University in the 1970s thanks to arrangements made by James T. Burtchaell, C.S.C. The items acquired include some 40 works of scholastic theology with imprints ranging from 1541-1707 and nine bound manuscripts containing receipt and expense ledgers, meal and granary records, registers of liturgical celebrations and a census of monks.” - Rare Books & Special Collections // Hesburgh Libraries // University of Notre Dame



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Date tagged:

03/24/2014, 05:37

Date published:

03/23/2014, 19:38