italianartsociety: Reliquary busts like this one for St....

Archivalia_EN 2014-03-28



Reliquary busts like this one for St. Benedict contained remnants of saints’ bodies. According to tradition, St. Benedict died on this day in the mid 6th century. As a result, his feast was celebrated on this day until the institution of the General Roman Calendar which moved his celebration to 11 July to prevent conflict with Lent.

"Reliquary Bust of Saint Benedict of Nursia," Late 15th century, Italian, Philadelphia Museum of Art

For more on St. Benedict see Anne Leader, The Badia of Florence: Art and Observance in a Renaissance Monastery, 2012.


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Date tagged:

03/28/2014, 09:21

Date published:

03/27/2014, 19:06