Workshop “The Religious Field in the Long Fifteenth Century: Framing Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe”, Münster, 26.-28.5.2016
Diversitas Religionum 2016-05-06
The workshop is a cooperation between COST Action IS1301 “New Communities of Interpretation. Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe“ and the Cluster of Excellence ”Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures“ at Münster. The COST Action IS1301 is a network uniting over 100 researchers from 22 countries working on religion in the long fifteenth century. Especially in its Workgroup 1 (“Theoretical approaches”), the network challenges existing national narratives of late medieval and Reformation history and literature, and aims to create new European narratives explaining the profound transformations of the period.
The workshop assembles members of the COST Action “New Communities of Interpretation”, the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” and external guests. It invites reflection on the historiography and on extant and possible theoretical frameworks for mid- and long-term religious transformation. By frameworks, we mean ways (including historical narration) in which macro-historical, societal processes and problems can be linked to the micro-historical level that our research typically aims for.
We suggest that recent sociological approaches to religious change make for particularly interesting frameworks, as they may offer a platform for interdisciplinary debate. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of the religious field as a starting point, the workshop will discuss historical actor constellations and “migrations of the holy” to test the potential of differentiation theory as an interdisciplinary framework.
The programme is downloadable here: The Religious Field_Flyer_web