Call for Articles: Verging on the polemical: Patterns of embedding and escalation of religious polemics across medieval genres and cultures
Diversitas Religionum 2017-06-22
Deadline Abstracts: 15. June 2017 Deadline Articles: 31. October 2017 Publication: July 2018 Journal: Medieval Worlds. Interdisciplinary and transcultural studies (Peer review, Open access), special thematic section edited by Junior-Prof. Dr. Sita Steckel, Medieval history (WWU Münster). Verging on the polemical: Issues and questions In past research on religious polemics during the medieval centuries, the perception of religious identities and of specific religious groups has been a central interest. As a result, texts or images which were wholly dedicated to engagement with opponents and … Continue reading "Call for Articles: Verging on the polemical: Patterns of embedding and escalation of religious polemics across medieval genres and cultures"