Claudia Daiber on the “Judensau” and “Practicing Pogroms Against Jewish Populations on Stage”
Diversitas Religionum 2017-06-30
As announced in a previous post, scholars from several different fields will come together for two sessions entitled “Fear, Love and Loathing in the Middle Ages: Emotions and the body in polemic and boundary-making”. Within the sessions, Claudia Daiber’s paper “Practicing Pogroms Against Jewish Populations on Stage” will deal with the important theme of anti-Jewish polemics. The paper will focus on a carnival play authored by Nuremberg-based meistersinger Hans Folz (1435/40-1513), a barber and surgeon by profession. As Claudia emphasises, the play contains anti-Jewish imagery and … Continue reading "Claudia Daiber on the “Judensau” and “Practicing Pogroms Against Jewish Populations on Stage”"