DOAJ publishes lists of journals removed and added | News Service
shauna.peterson 2014-05-23
One of our improved services to the community is increased transparency. Accordingly, we have decided to publish a list of the journals added to andremoved from our directory. Read the list. [Opens in new tab/window.] The lists are split over two tabs of the same spreadsheet. The list of journals removed starts from the beginning of the 2014. Because we were undergoing development, we were unable to ADD new journals for the first quarter of this year. However, we were able to remove journals so, as part of our regular weeding and reviewing, a good number of journals were removed during this time. The list includes journal title, ISSN, date removed and the reason. The list of journals added starts from 19th March 2014. ALL the journals added after this date have met the NEW criteria as required by our new application form. You can read our press release from 19th March 2014. The list includes journal title, ISSN and date added.
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