AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

ellen's bookmarks 2014-08-06


Key themes: reasons to be hopeful Advances in technology may displace certain types of work, but historically they have been a net creator of jobs. We will adapt to these changes by inventing entirely new types of work, and by taking advantage of uniquely human capabilities. Technology will free us from day-to-day drudgery, and allow us to define our relationship with “work” in a more positive and socially beneficial way. Ultimately, we as a society control our own destiny through the choices we make. Key themes: reasons to be concerned Impacts from automation have thus far impacted mostly blue-collar employment; the coming wave of innovation threatens to upend white-collar work as well. Certain highly-skilled workers will succeed wildly in this new environment—but far more may be displaced into lower paying service industry jobs at best, or permanent unemployment at worst. Our educational system is not adequately preparing us for work of the future, and our political and economic institutions are poorly equipped to handle these hard choices.
Note : in addition to usual suspects amy Webb is quoted here--she's a connection we should prob add to friends if not already.


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Date tagged:

08/06/2014, 21:33

Date published:

08/06/2014, 17:33