What's The Most Awkward Thing That's Ever Happened To You In A Restaurant?

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-09-08


~food for thought~

Usually when you go out to a restaurant, you look forward to a great evening with the people you love.

Usually when you go out to a restaurant, you look forward to a great evening with the people you love.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via la-ultima-sombra.tumblr.com

All you want to do is eat delicious food and just have a good time.

All you want to do is eat delicious food and just have a good time.

Screen Gems / Via s284.photobucket.com

But, unfortunately, awkward situations in the restaurant arise, and it's the worst thing ever.

But, unfortunately, awkward situations in the restaurant arise, and it's the worst thing ever.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via huffingtonpost.com

Maybe your waiter tried to open a bottle of champagne, and he accidentally cut himself and bled all over the place.

Maybe your waiter tried to open a bottle of champagne, and he accidentally cut himself and bled all over the place.

Epic. Fail.

Via giphy.com

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09/08/2014, 12:31

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09/08/2014, 12:31