What Millennials Around The World Actually Look Like

BuzzFeed - Latest 2014-09-08


The quarterlife crisis just might be the universal language.

Brooklyn-based photographers Alan Winslow and Morrigan McCarthy have been traveling around the world interviewing millennials — people born between 1980 and 1995 — and taking their portraits for their project The Geography of Youth.

Brooklyn-based photographers Alan Winslow and Morrigan McCarthy have been traveling around the world interviewing millennials — people born between 1980 and 1995 — and taking their portraits for their project The Geography of Youth.

For the global premiere of their participatory public art portrait at Photoville in Brooklyn, NY from September 18th-28th, they invited six photographers from around the world to contribute one portrait and one interview a day to the project.

Restless Collective



Name: Anthony Age: 24 I am from: Brooklyn, NY, USA I currently live in: Brooklyn, NY, USA I currently live with: Roommate Level of education completed: College Occupation: Financial Analyst Do you consider yourself an adult? Yes, I guess If so, when do you think you became an adult? Probably a month ago 10 years from now I see myself: Figuring out how to afford to live in the neighborhood I grew up in. How likely do you think it is that you will eventually get what you want out of life? Likely because I'll probably change what I think I want to match where I am eventually. What is the biggest concern in your life right now? Not to repeat toxic patterns I grew up around and not to internalize the fear or violence I see.

Alan Winslow



Name: Claire Age: 28 I am from: Australia I currently live in: Scotland I currently live with: An interesting group of adults Level of education completed: Tertiary Occupation: Drama teacher Do you consider yourself an adult? Yes When do you think you became an adult? When I took ownership of my choices and in turn my happiness. 10 years from now I see myself: Exactly where I am meant to be. How likely do you think it is that you will eventually get what you want out of life? Likely – everything unfolds as it should. What is the biggest concern in your life right now? I don't want to concern you with my concerns.

Duncan Harvey

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