30 Tips For Coping With A Migraine Hangover

BuzzFeed - Latest 2015-07-13


Migraines tear open your head and for sometimes your soul. Here’s how some migraine sufferers deal with post-migraine misery.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

And just btw, this post isn't intended to offer medical advice. These are just the tricks and home remedies people have found to soothe them and provide some relief — physically, emotionally, or otherwise — after their migraines have passed. Be sure to check with your doctor before trying anything new for migraine prevention, relief, or recovery.

Here are the things they said help them come back to life after a migraine.

Drink fluids and eat Taco Bell.

Drink fluids and eat Taco Bell.

What I find best afterwards is to take a nap, drink plenty of fluids (nothing too sugary) and go to Taco Bell. I feel like the large amounts of calories really helps.

—Sara Moyer (Facebook)

giphy.com / Via youtube.com

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Sally Tamarkin

Date tagged:

07/13/2015, 13:32

Date published:

07/13/2015, 13:31