This Mom Of Twins Had A Creative Solution After Getting The Same Nosy Questions From Strangers

BuzzFeed - Latest 2015-07-13


“Yes, I’m sure they aren’t identical.”

A mom in Australia is getting a ton of attention online after she posted a picture of her twins holding signs featuring all of the nosy questions she gets from strangers while she is out shopping.

Annie Nolan, who blogs at Uncanny Annie, posted the picture of her twins Delphi and Cheska last week, and it went totally viral over the weekend.

-Yes, they are mine. -Yes, they are twins. -Yes, both girls -No, not identical -Yes, I know they look alike though. -Yes, I'm sure they aren't identical -Conceived by f***ing -Born via C-section -You have twins in your family? "Great" -They don't run in my family...until now. -Yes, my hands are full (sometimes with 2 glasses of wine just to get through) -Yes, triplets would be harder

Nolan wrote that she wanted to leave the notes on the twins' strollers as she headed into town, but chickened out once she got on the train.

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Stephanie McNeal

Date tagged:

07/13/2015, 15:01

Date published:

07/13/2015, 14:46