In Concert

Pipedreams 2016-01-25


Pipedreams this week explores music old and new, introduces artists youthful and revered, and revels in fiery virtuosity — all on display in live performances.

Program playlist:

WILLIAM MATHIAS: Recessional, Op. 96, no. 4. MASON BATES:Geraldine’s Parlor & Deliver us from evil, fr Digital Loom–Joshua Boyd (1927 Skinner-1955 Aeolian-Skinner/Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI) Pipedreams Archive (r. 9/29/14).

MARGARET VARDELL SANDRESKY: The Good Shepherd–Marilyn Keiser (1799 Tannenberg/Old Salem Museum, Winston-Salem, NC) Pipedreams Archive (r. 5/9/14).

WILLIAM BECKSTRAND: Incarnatus (premiere). JEHAN ALAIN: 2 Fantasies –Martin Jean (2011 Jaeckel/1st Lutheran Church, Duluth, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 10/21/12).

RACHEL LAURIN: Etude heroique, Op. 38 –Ken Cowan (1992 Ruffatti/Spivey Hall, Morrow, GA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 2/16/13).


From feeds:

Harvard Organs and Organists » Pipedreams


classical_music pipe_organ pipedreams

Date tagged:

01/25/2016, 10:46

Date published:

01/17/2016, 00:00