Oracle CSO Rant Against Security Experts

Schneier on Security 2015-08-18


Oracle's CSO Mary Ann Davidson wrote a blog post ranting against security experts finding vulnerabilities in her company's products. The blog post has been taken down by the company, but was saved for posterity by others. There's been lots of commentary.

It's easy to just mock Davidson's stance, but it's dangerous to our community. Yes, if researchers don't find vulnerabilities in Oracle products, then the company won't look bad and won't have to patch things. But the real attackers -- whether they be governments, criminals, or cyberweapons arms manufacturers who sell to government and criminals -- will continue to find vulnerabilities in her products. And while they won't make a press splash and embarrass her, they will exploit them.


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Gudgeon and gist » Schneier on Security
Fair Use Tracker » Current Berkman People and Projects
Berkman Center Community - Test » Schneier on Security


zeroday vulnerabilities exploits disclosure cyberweapons



Date tagged:

08/18/2015, 14:54

Date published:

08/17/2015, 07:45