Remembering Normal
willowbl00 2017-01-11
Most of my corners of the internet are currently filled with rage. One of the ongoing cries is “this is not normal.” It’s true, it’s not. So let’s take a moment to remember what normal has been for the past bit. This is to both balance out the past blog post, and in light of great blog posts like this one about mental health and long fights. Much of my “normal” has to do with where I live and what I look like. I still find it important to talk about them because these levels of freedom are something I actively fight to make available for others on a daily basis in my own flawed and insufficient ways.
- Normal has been a high likelihood that overhead helicopters etc are for traffic reporting.
- Normal has been walking in my neighborhood safely.
- Normal has been making aggressively questioning remarks about government, governance, and other systems of power in public and having lively debate and no concern for my long-term well-being.
- Normal has been visiting nearly every continent in 5 years and only getting heavy scrutiny thrice, including when soft-packing through TSA.
- Normal has been asking friends to move to encrypted channels and no one being targeted for those moves.
- Normal has been holding hands with a girlfriend and a boyfriend on a street corner and only getting occasional side-eye.
- Normal has been openly attending talks from activists in other countries.
- Normal has been experiencing shock when I see enforcement agents with semi-automatic weapons in other countries (because they don’t where I live).
- Normal has been publishing under my own name.
- Normal has been making an appointment for, and then getting, an IUD from my doctor, and it being covered by insurance.
- Normal has been, and will always be, a slow fight towards more justice and more equality.
And so much more. Remember what is normal.