Cuba unable to access Google analytics
Herdict Blog 2012-06-21
Cuba is crying foul over Google’s refusal to allow access to its analytics website. According to Google, it is basing its block on a provision in its terms of service, which prohibit exporting its products and services to any “embargoed countries or individuals.” AFP quotes Google as saying, “As a US company, we comply with US export controls and trade sanctions that limit us from offering certain services in certain countries.”
The Verge reports that state-run media site Cubadebate “disagrees with US sanctions and condones previous illegal use of the service, asking ‘if an unjust law should be followed to the letter by the victims.’” According to reports, when trying to access Google Analytics from Cuba, the user is redirected to “a message referring people to a website for the US Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control.”
This news comes just days after Google released their current transparency report. This latest report has shown a significant increase in content filtering, in both non-democratic and democratic regimes.