Losing Aaron
Bits and Pieces 2014-01-05
Terrific piece in Boston Magazine about the death of Aaron Swartz and what it says about the legal system and also about MIT. I had forgotten that I had been interviewed for this after some of my blogging (e.g. here and here) , but the article includes a pretty good quote from me:
I think the worry is that the institute, which was always freewheeling, fun-loving, and impish-behavior-tolerating, is becoming captive to a set of lawyerly and administrative dictates. Universities are much more beholden to officials in the federal government, state, and local government, to stay on their good side. But there’s something lost when the lawyers and the people who have to make the business of the university run get to influence decisions that have real educational and philosophical and student-life-related consequences.The Swartz affair remains unutterably sad, and the article, which is well researched, doesn't make one any more hopeful.
http://harry-lewis.blogspot.com/2014/01/losing-aaron.htmlFrom feeds:
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