A Question about Creationism I Don't Really Want Answered
Bits and Pieces 2013-01-23
I paused while in the Northwest Building today to admire the Ichthyosaurus skeleton hanging over the stairway (at least, that is what I assume it is -- couldn't find any identifying legend). The reason I spent a bit of time looking at it on this particular occasion was because I wanted to find the rib I broke (first rib, left side) and where I broke it (in the back, just below the shoulder blade). I also cracked the "transverse process"in between that rib and the first thoracic vertebra. Looking at my friend here, I was picturing what was happening when the fracture was moving and causing such pain. It would have made more sense to look at a human skeleton, but I hadn't bumped into one. I did look at some 3-D computer-animated illustrations, but this was much more lifelike. Different numbers of vertebrae and so on, but the "design" is all the same. The first few ribs wrap around and are attached to the sternum, the others are floating free at their distal ends, the vertebrae are graduated in size but change little in layout, and so on. And the ribs don't look that strong on this fellow; I bet his could get broken pretty easily just like mine, even though falling is not a hazard if you are in the water all the time. When Creationists look at something like this, don't they think the Creator was displaying a notable lack of imagination to create all these different creatures simultaneously and from scratch using the same basic design all the time? Even giving us humans a tailbone just like the Ichthyosaur has. You'd just think with infinite capacity a little more imagination could have been used for all these allegedly unrelated species. Please don't comment with any explanations of how I don't understand what Creationists really think, or theological explanations of how this thing isn't an actual skeleton at all, just a hoax or a divine trick. I don't want to know. I just want to know how any rational being can look at that and avoid seeing the family resemblance, because it sure screams out at me.