OER Materials Beneficial to Students, Per New Study
H2O 2023-09-24
According to a newly released study by Achieving the Dream, implementation of Open Education Resources (OER) found “significant benefits to instruction and student learning experiences” in addition to the cost savings passed on to the students.Over 60% of students reported that their overall quality of their learning experience was higher in comparison to a typical, non-OER course.
“The study indicates that, based on two years of implementation across scores of colleges, OER can be an important tool in helping more students—and particularly low-income and underrepresented students—afford college, engage actively in their learning, persist in their studies, and ultimately complete,” said Dr. Karen A. Stout, Achieving the Dream president and CEO. “Data show that even using the most conservative estimates, cost savings are significant and that OER content plays a role in helping strengthen instruction and learning across not just a few courses but entire degree pathways.
Though creating OER materials can take more time than using traditional, pre-made materials, students appeared to be more engaged with the learning experience and found the materials more relevant and interesting.
H2O is a leader in the field of creating OER for law materials – be they full casebooks, supplemental materials, or simply a place to collect resources for your class. Create an account today at https://opemncasebook.org !