Howard French on the media’s coverage of Boko Haram massacres

...My heart's in Accra 2015-01-30

Foreign correspondent, journalism professor and author Howard French recently weighed in on the debate about media coverage of Charlie Hebdo and the massacres in Baga with a memorable stream of tweets. French has a deep understanding of Africa in the news, as a former professor in Côte d’Ivoire and the author of two must-read books about Africa, A Continent for the Taking and China’s Second Continent, about Chinese expansion in Africa.

French was reacting in part to a New York Times Public Editor note from Margaret Sullivan on the New York Times’s coverage of the two stories. He references a Glenda Gordon article that notes the real problem: it’s not that we failed to value the deaths of those killed by Boko Haram, but that we did not value their lives.

Here’s French’s “Twitter Essay”:

1) NYT on Baga massacre "coverage seemed both light and late," by @Sulliview My 2 cents:

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

2) NYT on Baga massacre. Editors asks: ‘Is this a big deal? R we going to deploy someone?’ Good ?s, followed by defensive, sophist answers.

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

3) NYT on Baga massacre. Nigeria is not "remote," even if Baga is. Largest country in Africa, close to US, source of large portion of US pop

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

4) NYT on Baga massacre. Ebola coverage cited here. It was also late, w costly real world consequences.

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

5) On Baga. Individual reporters have worked v hard, done great stuff. Time to move beyond "they're really tired," or we'll get to it.

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

6) On Baga. It's time for honest discussion in US media abt how African continent is covered, including staffing resources and "news value."

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US press re Rwandan genocide. "Yeah, we're not really sure this is a big deal, you know, ancient tribal enmities and all. We'll get to it.

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US press re: Congo wars, 5 million death toll: Yeah, big country. It's a mess. So far away. And has anyone really counted all the bullets?

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US press, Ivory Coast meltdown: That's a French country isn't it?

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US media on ebola early on: Hey it's Africa. Sick people? What's new about that?

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US media on ebola later: Hey, Africans might contaminate us! Look, a case. (Full court press ensues… to Dallas)

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US media on Baga: Hey, we just did Ebola. Isn't there someone else to call?

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US media on Baga late. You know accuracy is sacrosanct to us, so until we have an exact and definitive death toll…

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

US media on Paris: Hey, these are our people. I mean people. I mean. Oh never mind. You know what I mean.

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 24, 2015

After all the criticism, genuinely big props to the Times for airing something like this in 1st place: by @Sulliview

— Howard French (@hofrench) January 25, 2015