OnePlus One phone review hitting the sweet spot

Dan Gillmor | The Guardian 2014-08-11


Its supply is rationed and some apps may not work - but this Android phone is fast and returns control to its users

How good is the OnePlus One phone, which recently hit the market? Good enough that after trying a review unit, I bought one. It is simply the best combination of hardware and software, at a more-than-fair price, that Ive found to date.

Before I go into details, let me offer several cautions. Its hard to buy one of these devices, because OnePlus is rationing the availability in its early days; you need an invitation, normally from a current owner, to buy one, though OnePlus says its ramping up mass production as quickly as possible. (Sorry, I dont have any invites to offer.) The company, an offshoot of a Chinese manufacturer, Oppo, is selling the devices at roughly the cost of manufacturing to spur demand. So theres always a question in such circumstances about support - reports like this (Cant get data to work. Went to AT&T store. They checked APN settings. All correct. Just wont work.) arent encouraging - and about future pricing and longevity.

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