Creative Lawyering or Copyright "Trolling" - a Copyright Society Event at Suffolk Law
Citizen Media Law Project 2013-03-27
This Thursday I'll be joining Jason Sweet from the Cambridge law firm (and OMLN member firm) Booth Sweet LLP at an event hosted by the New England chapter of the Copyright Society of the USA entitled "Creative Lawyering or Copyright 'Trolling.'" The event will be a discussion of some recent attempts by law firms and rightsholders to use enforcement of copyright law as a direct revenue source – attempts like the now-dying (but, critically, not quite dead) Righthaven LLC that sued bloggers for copying news articles, and the currently-unraveling saga around Prenda Law. Jason will be talking a bit about his litigation work defending against these groups, and I'll be talking a bit about the Righthaven case specifically and what concerns these practices should raise amongst the copyright bar.
The event is at Suffolk Law School, 120 Tremont Street, Room 295, right in the heart of downtown Boston. The event is co-sponsored with Suffolk's IP Law Student Association, School Committee of the MA Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, and their IP and Entrepreneurship Clinic. The event is free and open to all. Further details can be found on the CSUSA website. Hope to see you there!
Andy Sellars is a staff attorney at the DMLP.
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