a poem inspired by an article inspired by a tweet.
The official website of Amanda Fucking Palmer. Yes it is - Amanda Palmer » Blog 2019-10-21
wrote a poem today, inspired not only by the lush graffiti and wondrous sites of johannesburg (which are pretty glorious indeed), but by a small twitter storm i unwittingly waltzed into. nothing inspires like a good twitter kerfuffle. i wrote this poem over an ethiopian meal in maboneng.
On Reading the Tweet from the Girl Proclaiming She’s Getting Her Dresden Dolls Tattoos Covered Up Due to an Article I Tweeted a Link to About the Dark Sides of Online Political Correctness
as above; so below thick-skinned deep; thin-skinned shallow as with ink; so with outrage it bites deep, that needle it digs, it commits bares it’s fangs to the fickle
i love you; i loved you Winona Forever i mean, i had feelings, one time, at some level.
it’s not what you think (i mean, it is, but it’s Not, too.) fuck it. pour shots. (that’s one thing i’ll commit to.)
so you’ve made a commitment. a commitment to what? to love… or to anger? to a thing you once felt?
is it a flag? a reminder? to whom? to me?
to yourself?
love eats deeper than fear.
it seeps layers below.
and the scars that it carves are not visible now
but you’ll feel them they’ll tickle a phantom reminder of the protests that made you you, not another.
it’s your right to be angry.
it’s your right to remove me.
it’s your right to march forth and with pride de-tattoo me.
but it’s also my right to embrace you, and tightly; while you exercise loudly your right to not love me.
and as hate lingers thick like a black cloud above you pile ink upon ink
I’m still there underneath.
i’m still there
and still love you.
(you could laser me off, i suppose, but I’d linger. i’d prefer being subsumed by a comparable singer.)
the original article, by jonathan chait in new york magazine: “not a very PC thing to say”
a few great follow up-reads to the original article….
julian sanchez “chait speech” – a great in-depther look at the problems…
jessica valenti ‘PC culture’ isn’t about your freedom of speech. It’s about our freedom to be offended
john hodgman’s brilliant tweet-response:
and a mild cover-up suggestion for…
although regina’s head would have to be huge…
off to the joburg house party: the famed very last of 25 house parties, the official end of the kickstarter.
see some of you there. i hope you brought rusks.
x x a