Silicon Fox

Zotero / D&S Group / Top-Level Items 2024-10-15

Item Type Journal Article Author Steven Gonzalez Monserrate URL Volume 45 Issue 1 Pages 130-138 Publication Anthropology and Humanism ISSN 1548-1409 Date 2020 Extra _eprint: DOI 10.1111/anhu.12276 Accessed 2024-10-15 03:27:19 Library Catalog Wiley Online Library Language en Abstract “Silicon Fox” is a work of speculative fiction derived from fieldwork research in the emerging Icelandic and North American data storage industry. The story narrativizes the anxieties and hopes of people in the cloud infrastructure sector in Iceland and investors in North America. This work of fiction is a meditation on the future promise and peril of Iceland as a hub for cloud computing and data storage in the near future. The scenarios, settings, and characters depicted are fabulations based in part on interview data and ethnographic field notes. Given the salience and widespread appeal of the murder mystery genre in Iceland, the story takes on this meta-frame and relies on it to showcase the moral anxieties and dilemmas of Icelanders as they speculate on what challenges the future may bring for Iceland if it becomes a data hub.