Police Foundation Releases “5 Things You Need to Know about Open Data in Policing"

Zotero / D&S Group / Top-Level Items 2015-08-18

Type Web Page URL http://www.policefoundation.org/content/police-foundation-releases-%E2%80%9C5-things-you-need-know-about-open-data-policing Accessed 2015-08-06 19:39:40 Abstract With an increasing number of law enforcement agencies considering how to make their key data more accessible and thereby improve transparency, the Police Foundation Wednesday unveiled “5 Things You Need to Know about Open Data in Policing,” the latest in the Foundation’s Five Things series. Police agencies have traditionally kept data close hold, in light of their responsibility to protect the privacy interests of the communities they serve and to ensure that operations and safety are not jeopardized. But the open government movement has shown that it is possible to provide data to the public without compromising privacy, operations or safety. The benefits of providing data in an open format include better police-community collaboration as a result of increased transparency, and new ideas from researchers, community leaders and others on ways to improve the delivery of police services. Website Title Police Foundation