Slow Tech: A Good, Clean, and Fair ICT

Zotero / D&S Group / Top-Level Items 2018-01-05

Type Book Section Author Norberto Patrignani Author Diane Whitehouse URL Publisher Palgrave Macmillan, Cham Pages 81-112 ISBN 978-3-319-68943-2 978-3-319-68944-9 Date 2018 Extra DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68944-9_7 Accessed 2018-01-05 20:27:21 Library Catalog Language en Abstract This chapter is the real core of the book. It describes the main characteristics of Slow Tech, a good, clean, and fair ICT—a responsible, sustainable, and ethical approach to ICT. Slow Tech is proposed as a compass for new directions in technology design and use and is inspired by three fields—a reversal of the values implicit in the Olympic motto, the concept of responsible research and innovation, and the Slow Food movement. The importance of each of these fields is explored. First, the framework of the Olympic motto, rooted in the thoughts of Italian activist, Alexander Langer, is challenged. Langer’s commitment to acting and working in a way that is slower, deeper, and sweeter is absolutely consistent with a Slow Tech approach. Second, the concept of responsible research and innovation is about products and designs being socially desirable, environmentally sustainable, and ethically acceptable is explored. Third, and central to the volume, the Slow Food movement has its roots in the three principles: good, clean, and fair—each of these three elements is explored in detail and mapped to ICT. Book Title Slow Tech and ICT Short Title Slow Tech