Nintendo dropping 2DS price to $100 on August 30
Ars Technica 2015-08-20
Nearly two years after its U.S. launch, Nintendo has lowered the price of its slate-like 2DS to $99.99, throwing in a downloadable copy of Mario Kart 7 with the system for good measure.
The 2DS was already the cheapest way to get access to the 3DS' impressive library of games (plus original DS titles) at its original price of $130. And while the 2DS has dropped below $100 briefly during retailer-specific sales, this is the first time the official price of entering the 3DS ecosystem has come in under that figureĀ (just barely).
The lower price comes with significant drawbacks compared to the traditional 3DS line, though, including a lack of stereoscopic 3D and a non-folding design with slightly uncomfortable button positioning, and a smaller screen than the "XL" line. The 2DS also doesn't play the few games that require the "new 3DS" chipset.
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