#NotOKGoogle Search Suggestions: 2018 Edition – Jonathan Albright – Medium

amarashar's bookmarks 2018-02-21


I’m at a loss to understand how this could *still* be happening. The quality and reliability of Google’s search suggestions have actually devolved in the past year. It almost reads like these input signals are coming out of Reddit, Twitter and other online and social news forums. February 20, 2018.

Below are some examples of what kids are likely to see when they begin to type in or use Google to look up a controversial topic. Why does this matter? It matters because this is information pollution at the most critical interface: search. Google is the knowledge portal for most of the world.



From feeds:

Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks
Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks


Date tagged:

02/21/2018, 09:51

Date published:

02/21/2018, 10:06