Twitter actually can ban Nazis | The Outline

amarashar's bookmarks 2018-02-22


Medium will probably run into some practical challenges when trying to police this on a platform-wide scale — it will be almost impossible to apply its policies in a way that will satisfy every group. But the company seems to have already anticipated this. “In deciding whether someone has violated the rules, we will take into account things like newsworthiness, the context and nature of the posted information, and applicable privacy laws,” says the updated rules page. Meaning, while this is a site-wide policy, the brunt of its enforcement efforts will be focused on the most egregious offenders. The Mike Cernoviches and Laura Loomers of the world get the boot first, as they’re doing the most noticeable harm, perhaps a particularly viral #CrisisActor post would be next, and so on and so forth.


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Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks


Date tagged:

02/22/2018, 21:39

Date published:

02/22/2018, 16:39