How not to regulate social networks

amarashar's bookmarks 2018-03-16


Added to this is the fact that, to all intents and purposes, users have no effective opportunities of legal remedy against the networks. First of all – and this has already happened in the case of Twitter – the platforms will, in their defence, point to their general terms and conditions, which give them a very free hand indeed in dealing with users’ content.  This means that users would have to convince the courts that the conditions are ineffective. The chances of success that such a line of argument would have are entirely uncertain. But even if it were successful – by the time the dispute is resolved, hardly anyone is likely to be interested in the user’s content anymore. After all, the communicative value of a post has an extremely low half-life period.


From feeds:

Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks
Berkman Klein » djones's bookmarks


Date tagged:

03/16/2018, 15:03

Date published:

03/16/2018, 04:19