The Four Horsemen of the Free Speech Apocalypse: Emerging Conceptual Challenges for Civil Libertarians | MIT Center for Civic Media

amarashar's bookmarks 2018-04-19


However, there are more profound risks on the horizon for those invested in traditional conceptions of, and defenses for, free expression. The purpose of this blog post is to briefly outline four interrelated challenges to free expression activists that can't be solved by the old civil libertarian saw of "more speech == better speech." To be clear, when I say these are challenges, I don't mean they are necessarily good or bad developments. I just mean they present thorny problems for existing frameworks about free expression. They are: a growing conviction (that I share) that more speech does not necessarily mean better speech, the economics of attention making it harder to be heard, automated content production swamping human expression, and fake content that's indistinguishable from real content.


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Harmful Speech ยป amarashar's bookmarks


Date tagged:

04/19/2018, 15:54

Date published:

04/19/2018, 11:54