The Geopolitics of Information | Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

amarashar's bookmarks 2019-05-29


Democracies remain fundamentally unprepared for strategic competition in the Information Age. For the United States in particular, as the importance of information as a geopolitical resource has waxed, its information dominance has waned. Since the end of the Cold War, America’s supremacy in information technologies seemed unassailable—not least because of its central role in creating the Internet and overall economic primacy. Democracies have also considered any type of information strategy to be largely unneeded: government involvement in the domestic information environment feels Orwellian, while democracies believed that their “inherently benign” foreign policy didn’t need extensive influence operations.


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Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks



Date tagged:

05/29/2019, 11:48

Date published:

05/29/2019, 07:48