Steven Crowder called another journalist a "lispy queer." Now he's in trouble. - The Washington Post
amarashar's bookmarks 2019-06-06
But the bigger issue is, how can a platform make fair decisions on a landscape of language that is itself political, politicized, and shifting? Conservatives have spent the last few years suggesting that social media companies are liberal and biased; but they’ve spent the last few decades waging a protracted battle about political correctness, liberal bias in the news, campus speech, and identity politics, painting all those concerned about rising hate and harassment as “snowflakes,” hurt by mere words. These tactics have pushed the U.S. political landscape about speech. So it’s not just that YouTube has to decide whether this conservative blowhard is harassing or merely criticizing a liberal commentator at a progressive media site; it has to decide what even counts as harassment in the shifting sands of partisan language politics.