Cyber Mobs, Disinformation, and Death Videos: The Internet As It Is (and As It Should Be), 118 Michigan Law Review (forthcoming) by Danielle Keats Citron :: SSRN

amarashar's bookmarks 2019-08-09


Drnaso invites a conversation about cyber mobs, conspiracy theories, and death videos and the norms, attitudes, and laws enabling them. Right now, it is cheap and easy to wreak havoc online and for that havoc to go viral. Platforms act rationally—some might say responsibly to their shareholders—when they tolerate abuse that earns them advertising revenue and costs them nothing in legal liability. Combatting cyber-mob attacks must be a priority. Law should raise the cost of cyber-mob attacks. It is time for tech companies to redress some of the negative externalities of their business model. Platforms should not enjoy immunity from liability for user-generated content unless they have earned that immunity with reasonable content moderation practices. Education should play a role as well. As digital citizens, we need to do better.


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Date tagged:

08/09/2019, 16:37

Date published:

08/09/2019, 12:37