Political Astroturfing on Twitter: How to Coordinate a Disinformation Campaign: Political Communication: Vol 0, No 0

amarashar's bookmarks 2019-10-29


We develop a methodology that exploits these distinct empirical patterns to identify additional likely astroturfing accounts and validate this detection strategy by analyzing their messages and current account status. However, an analysis relying on Twitter influence metrics shows that the known and suspect NIS accounts only had a limited impact on political social media discussions. By using the principal-agent framework to analyze one of the earliest revealed instances of political astroturfing, we improve on extant methodological approaches to detect disinformation campaigns and ground them more firmly in social science theory.



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Harmful Speech ยป amarashar's bookmarks



Date tagged:

10/29/2019, 15:33

Date published:

10/29/2019, 11:33