Ricky Byrdsong And The Cost Of Speech | Techdirt

amarashar's bookmarks 2020-08-27


But Hale felt entitled to the right to speech with impunity. And the ACLU mounted a vigorous defense of that. What rights we are owed by institutions, is a question that divides even those that are normally aligned. Though tech companies say their role is to ensure that all speech matters, free speech does not mean the right to content or user validation, amplification or freedom to incite violence. This is why groups that are deemed terrorist threats by companies don’t have the same stranglehold that white nationalists enjoy. That they remain so openly prevalent speaks more to a tacit societal acceptance of white nationalist ideologies than it does the matter of free speech.



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Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks



Date tagged:

08/27/2020, 15:40

Date published:

08/27/2020, 11:40