Skylake’s graphics architecture: Intel is still gunning for dedicated GPUs

Ars Technica 2015-08-19


Intel has dedicated an ever-larger portion of its chips to the GPU in the last half-decade or so.

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This morning's Intel Developer Forum keynote was a bust for anyone hoping for more news about the company's forthcoming Skylake processors. Its chips may make the company most of its money, but CEO Brian Krzanich and crew seem more interested in keynotes-as-forward-looking-spectacles. Interacting with smart vending machines and spider robots get you and your company on late-night TV, but Jimmy Fallon usually doesn't have people on to talk about processor microarchitecture. We get it.

The post-keynote sessions were somewhat more productive. They gave us at least a few architectural details on the Skylake CPUs and their accompanying GPUs, though Intel somewhat frustratingly isn’t using its own developer conference to make specific product announcements. For now, the only GPU we truly know about for sure is the HD 530 that shipped with the high-end overclockable Core i5 and i7 chips (though leaked slides point to a few lower-end mobile GPUs).

Here’s the Skylake graphics breakdown, to the best of our knowledge as of this date. Look for more about the CPUs soon.

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