Ars is hiring! Can you handle healthcare?

Ars Technica 2015-09-02

Ars is looking to hire someone to cover healthcare, medicine, and all things related to the science of the body! Our ideal candidate would know the difference between absolute and relative risk, and would be able to intelligently discuss both the facts and the real world implications of health care policy and law. They'd also be interested in how technology is changing the shape of healthcare.

The candidate would cover topics ranging from medical research and progress of emerging diseases to consumer hardware that monitors health and fitness; we might also send you to DR Congo to cover an Ebola outbreak. Ha ha! Kidding! (Maybe.)

As with all jobs at Ars, there are daily writing expectations—the candidate would have a regular output of news about healthcare and research happenings and would also write longer report-length (500-1,000 words) and feature-length (2,000+ words) in-depth pieces about topics as they come up. You'll get to work closely with two senior editors as part of your job and have an opportunity to develop your own editing skills.

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