Try your hand at Quantum Go Fish

Ars Technica 2022-04-06

<em>Quantum Go Fish</em> is just one of the many math-y games in Ben Orlin's latest book, <em>Math Games with Bad Drawings</em>.

Enlarge / Quantum Go Fish is just one of the many math-y games in Ben Orlin's latest book, Math Games with Bad Drawings. (credit: Ben Orlin)

Adapted from Math Games with Bad Drawings (2022) by Ben Orlin. You can read our latest interview with Orlin here.

Of the thousand games I encountered in researching my book Math Games with Bad Drawings, only one of them truly frightened me. It’s a finger game. But trust me: it is the most cognitively taxing finger game that the human race has yet devised—a cross between a logic puzzle, an improv comedy session, and a collective hallucination, played with the strangest deck of cards you’ve ever seen (or not seen). Keep your aspirin at the ready.

How to play

What do you need? Anywhere from three to eight players. Each begins the game by holding up four fingers. These are the “cards” in the deck.

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